ministry building renovation

historical building of the Ministry of the Interior renovation

case study:

David Kudla
Filip Malý
Jana Raticová

The historical building of the Ministry of the Interior, completed in 1939, has always been and will continue to be a witness to significant historical events. The social and political landscape of the country changes dynamically, yet the building remains. It forms the backdrop to historical milestones in the history of our society and stands as a significant witness to them. Therefore, it is important to care for this building with respect and modesty so it can continue to stand behind other significant social changes.

The proposed reconstruction respects the original mass of the building designed by architect Kamil Roškot, which forms a significant landmark at the crossroads at the entrance to the Letná Tunnel, where thousands of curious eyes pass by daily. The renewed structure is cleared of disruptive additions of technologically outdated parts, and the facades are restored to their original state. The original main entrance towards Milady Horákové Street is restored in all its original beauty, including a complete reconstruction of the adjoining entrance hall, which will once again become a dignified entrance to the building and a place for public access, thus breathing new life into the building.

ministry building renovation

historical building of the Ministry of the Interior renovation

case study:

David Kudla
Filip Malý
Jana Raticová

The historical building of the Ministry of the Interior, completed in 1939, has always been and will continue to be a witness to significant historical events. The social and political landscape of the country changes dynamically, yet the building remains. It forms the backdrop to historical milestones in the history of our society and stands as a significant witness to them. Therefore, it is important to care for this building with respect and modesty so it can continue to stand behind other significant social changes.

The proposed reconstruction respects the original mass of the building designed by architect Kamil Roškot, which forms a significant landmark at the crossroads at the entrance to the Letná Tunnel, where thousands of curious eyes pass by daily. The renewed structure is cleared of disruptive additions of technologically outdated parts, and the facades are restored to their original state. The original main entrance towards Milady Horákové Street is restored in all its original beauty, including a complete reconstruction of the adjoining entrance hall, which will once again become a dignified entrance to the building and a place for public access, thus breathing new life into the building.